The rest of the house is plunged in darkness except for a few dimly lit shells that enable me to leave my worktable if I have to. Everything is Focused on the brightly lit square of my table - a perfect aid to concentration. Even my cats pretend to be sleeping: they know that I am working. Being alone is vitally important for me and my work. I am a solitary person, and this may explain why I have such a great love of cats. Cats and I are very much alike. The cat is a solitary animal, very independent, very quiet by nature. Like Cats who hide themselves away when they are ill, I cannot stand people visiting me when I am indisposed. I want to be left alone."

"Not Only do I do what I want to do, but I do my work in my own way and never have been influenced by another artist. The sole influences on my art, through the course of my entire career, were the Persian and Indian Miniatures and Greek vases I saw in my childhood at the Hermitage Museum in St. Petersburg (Now Leningrad). I think that these influences have stayed with me to this day, although they were assimilated long ago."